While cleaning out my inbox I came across this great article in my Weight Watchers newsletter. It fits with Fitness in the 8Fs of LIFE, and it has many good nuggets that deal with dreams, goal setting, re-framing, etc. I hope it helps on your Fitness journey! ENJOY!
God Bless,
Jason Jasper
Tricks for Fitness Success
can set small, achievable goals that make you feel great. Here's how.
Article By: Kimberly Dawn Neumann
your fitness goal? Power-walking around the block without feeling winded?
Lifting more weight than you did last week? Running a marathon? Whether your
athletic aspirations are lofty or not, finding the energy to get up and go can
be a challenge.
Carmichael knows a thing or two about motivation. An author as well as founder
and chairman of Carmichael Training Systems, Carmichael has built a career on
helping people reach amazing fitness goals. Here are some of his tips to ensure
success on your fitness path.
1. Name a dream goal that you're passionate about. Dream goals define the ultimate achievement. The key to
setting a goal is to find something you're passionate about. The passion you
feel for your ultimate goal is the foundation that will give you the drive and
commitment to stay on your journey.
2. Set realistic and challenging confidence-builder goals. Once you have a dream goal, it's time to work backward
to determine the steps necessary to reach that goal. These steps determine the
road map that ensures you stay on the right route. Confidence-builder goals
provide the opportunity to see and recognize steady progress.
3. Focus on the process. Instead of concentrating only on results, try setting
process-oriented goals. With weight loss, you can focus on outcome (losing 5
pounds, for instance) or process (such as making better decisions about food).
Achieving process-oriented goals increases the likelihood of reaching your
outcome goals because they focus on the steps needed to get you there.
4. Know the difference between a setback and derailment. A setback is a temporary detour from your planned route,
such as a week when you don't stick to your regular exercise regimen. A
derailment occurs when you abandon your goals completely because you think you've
gone too far off track. Setbacks happen. The trick is to recognize a setback
before it escalates into a full-scale derailment.
5. Recognize and celebrate your accomplishments. When you reach a goal, take credit for the work you've
done. Congratulations, it's a big deal! Don't just shrug it off for the sake of
being humble — be proud. Then turn your attention to the next goal, aiming for
the day when you can again celebrate for completing another step toward your
dream goal.
And as a side note, I would like to be able to tie my tennis shoes without being out of breath... there... I said it.