Tuesday, July 24, 2012

L.I.F.E. Testimony: Jason & Erin Jasper - Manager/Pastor and Teacher (MFC Day 86)

We were recently challenged to write our personal testimonial for the L.I.F.E. web site, so we figured we would share it as our most recent update in the 90 Day Mental Fitness Challenge:

How do you put into words the absolute peace you receive when you know you are doing what God has called you to do? ...The best way we know how is to share our story.

We started our journey like most people our age. We were in SERIOUS debt, had a "pretty good" marriage, and thought we were doing what was best for our kids. We had a strong faith in God, and we thought we had it all figured out...then we were introduced to LIFE. WOW!!! We couldn't have been more wrong! LIFE challenged us to be the best that we could be in each of the "8 Fs" (FAITH, FAMILY, FINANCES, FITNESS, FREEDOM, FOLLOWING, FRIENDS, and FUN).

We have by no means finished our journey, but in just a short period of time, by applying the principles found in the LIFE system, we have completely paid off all of our debt outside of our home. We now have an AMAZING marriage (no quotations needed). We have also been able to witness our girls (ages 9 and 6) develop into young ladies who love to read and who have been able to solve relationship conflicts from which most adults would shy away. We now know that God has used the LIFE system to impact our lives so that we can, in turn, impact the lives of others. LIFE has made such an incredible difference for our family, and it our sincere desire that you would allow it to make the same difference in yours

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